
My son is one year old, and he’s been complaining of ear pain recently. Sometimes, he has yellow fluid draining from his ear, and his appetite isn’t good. How should I treat his otitis media?


The treatment of otitis media should be based on the child’s symptoms, providing appropriate antibiotics or painkillers. If there is yellow fluid coming out, it indicates that there may be an infection in the ear, and you can use an antiseptic ear drop for treatment. If the child is experiencing severe ear pain, you can also give him a moderate dose of painkillers. If the child has a high fever at the same time, use medication according to the symptoms and closely monitor the child’s condition. In case of severe symptoms such as perforation of the eardrum, please seek medical attention at a hospital immediately. During treatment, make sure to provide the child with adequate nutrition, eat a light diet, and ensure the child gets plenty of rest to avoid fatigue.