
A five-year-old girl is experiencing symptoms such as throat pain when speaking, severe coughing, fever, and lack of energy. Diagnosed with tonsillitis, what treatment should be considered to alleviate her crying and other discomforts?


For children with tonsillitis, appropriate anti-inflammatory medication can be administered based on the symptoms, and regional treatments such as tonsil crypt irrigation or intra-tonsillar drug injections can be considered. If the child primarily exhibits throat pain, parents may consider giving painkillers to relieve discomfort. If fever is present, timely fever-reducing measures should be taken; if the body temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, immediate medical attention is required. For recurrent episodes of tonsillitis, surgical treatment is recommended. Parents should pay close attention to this condition, take their child to the doctor in a timely manner, and do their best to prevent and maintain health in daily life.