
My daughter is just 2 months old. Initially, she complained of pain when swallowing, and I noticed that her swallowing seemed a bit difficult. She has also had a slight fever. How should I treat my child’s sore throat due to tonsillitis?


It is recommended that parents, under a doctor’s guidance, choose the appropriate antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs for their child to alleviate the inflammatory symptoms. In cases of more severe conditions, regional treatments such as tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injections can be combined. If the child primarily experiences throat pain, parents can consider giving some painkillers to relieve the discomfort. For children with persistent fever, timely administration of antipyretics is advisable; physical cooling methods can be used if the temperature does not exceed 38.5 degrees Celsius. These are some of the more commonly used treatments for tonsillitis. In addition, surgery is also a viable option, suitable for children with recurrent attacks. During treatment, it is also important to ensure a light diet for the child, strengthen nutritional supplementation, and help them recover as soon as possible.