
A three-month-old female infant is experiencing symptoms of swallowing pain, accompanied by mild cough, fever, and lack of energy. How should throat pain caused by pediatric tonsillitis be treated?


In the treatment of pediatric tonsillitis, clinical practice primarily employs antibiotic medications, selecting sensitive drugs based on the results of bacterial culture, with good efficacy. If the child’s condition is more severe, regional treatments can be combined, such as tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injection medications. When the throat pain is severe, painkillers can be administered according to the child’s condition to alleviate suffering. For infants with fever symptoms, antipyretic medications can be taken; in severe cases, it is advisable to seek medical attention promptly. If the treatment response to medication is poor and recurrent, surgical treatment is recommended. During the treatment period, it is important to arrange for a light diet for the child and to enhance nutritional supplementation.