
My daughter is 4 years old. She recently started complaining that drinking water hurts her throat, and I noticed she has a slight cough. She also has a bit of a fever and seems lackluster. I would like to know: What can a child with tonsillitis and low fever eat more of?


Tonsillitis is one of the more common diseases, and it requires timely treatment. While being treated, it’s also important to feed children vegetables and fruits. These foods should be light and not irritate the throat, as they are also rich in nutrients that can help fight off the disease. For example, tangerine peel is rich in vitamin C, which has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. In daily meals, attention should be paid to easy-to-digest and easy-to-swallow foods. Therefore, it is recommended to consume porridge and soft noodles mainly, making sure the noodles are cooked soft enough. In addition to light eating, it’s also advisable to eat less of foods that may cause inflammation, such as poultry eggs, donkey meat, and mutton or beef. Parents should also help children develop good eating habits, ensuring hygiene and health, and avoiding picky eating or dietary preferences.