
My child is a 2-year-old boy. Initially, he had a slight sore throat, and it seemed like swallowing was a bit difficult. He also had a low-grade fever. What dietary precautions should be taken for a child with tonsillitis and low fever?


Tonsillitis is a common disease that requires timely treatment. While being treated, it’s important to feed the child vegetables and fruits, which are rich in nutrients that help boost immunity and aid in the repair of the tonsils. It’s recommended to choose fruits like pears and apples, as well as vegetables such as green leafy vegetables, cabbage, and tomatoes. Easily digestible foods like congee or noodles are also suitable. Drink plenty of plain water, and eat less beef, mutton, dog meat, and other foods that may exacerbate symptoms. Try to reduce or avoid seafood as much as possible. Diet is crucial for the treatment of tonsillitis; it should not be overlooked.