
My son is 5 years old. He recently started saying he has a sore throat, and I noticed he has a slight cough and a bit of fever, with a lack of energy. How should I treat his swollen tonsils caused by pharyngitis?


Generally speaking, if it’s a case of pediatric tonsillitis, it is effective to give the child some antibiotics according to the symptoms. Besides systemic medication, regional treatment can also be carried out, such as tonsil crypt irrigation or tonsil injection with medication. If the child has severe throat pain, some painkillers can be administered as appropriate. If the child continues to have a fever that does not subside, oral antipyretics can be taken. In addition to these medication treatments, if the child frequently experiences inflammation, parents can consult with a doctor and consider surgery as a treatment option. Parents should also pay attention to keeping their child well-warmed to prevent catching a cold and triggering another episode of tonsillitis.