
My daughter is 8 years old. Initially, she said her throat hurt, and I noticed that her voice was a bit hoarse when she spoke. Additionally, it seems like she has had a low fever that hasn’t gone away. What should be the treatment for a child with a sore throat and low fever?


Antibiotics are currently the most commonly used medication for treating tonsillitis and can be chosen appropriately. Regional treatment methods can also be combined, such as tonsil crypt irrigation and tonsil injections, which are quite effective. If the symptoms are mainly throat pain, painkillers can be considered. If the child still has a fever, then fever reduction should be considered; if the temperature exceeds 40 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to seek medical attention as soon as possible. These methods are currently commonly used in the treatment of tonsillitis. In addition, surgery is also a viable option, suitable for children with recurrent attacks. Parents should also pay attention to ensuring their child’s warmth retention in daily life to prevent catching a cold and triggering another tonsillitis attack.