
A one-month-old male infant is experiencing sore throat, mild cough, and low fever symptoms, tonsillitis,how should it be treated?


For children with tonsillitis, administering a moderate dose of antibiotics or anti-inflammatory medications can be considered. Additionally, regional treatment methods such as tonsil crypt irrigation, tonsil intralesional injection, or laser therapy can also be adopted. If the child’s sore throat symptoms are severe, painkillers can be used to relieve discomfort. When accompanied by low fever, physical cooling measures can be taken. If the body temperature exceeds 38.5°C, immediate medical attention should be sought. For recurrent acute tonsillitis or cases with complications, it is recommended to undergo tonsillectomy two weeks after the acute inflammation subsides. During treatment, a light diet should be maintained, and liquid foods should be the mainstay of daily meals.