
My son is 8 years old. Initially, he felt pain when drinking water and his voice was a bit hoarse when talking. He also had a fever and seemed lackluster. How should I treat his sore throat and fever?


When treating such diseases, you can give the child some symptomatic antibiotic medications. In addition to systemic treatment, you can also choose regional treatment to enhance the efficacy, which includes hidden crypt irrigation, direct injection of medication into the tonsils, etc. Under the condition of throat pain, you can also give the child some painkillers. Some children may also have a fever, in which case you can give the child some antipyretic drugs orally. If the fever cannot be relieved, it is necessary to seek medical attention. For those with recurrent inflammatory episodes, consider surgical treatment. During the treatment period, it is also important to maintain good dietary hygiene and ensure sufficient rest time.