
Female, 8 years old. My child has had a slight decline in vision recently, struggling to see things clearly. The doctor at the hospital said she has esotropia (weakness of the eyes). I want to know what should I do if my daughter has strabismus, amblyopia, and myopia?


Based on your description, your daughter has strabismus, amblyopia, and myopia. She needs to go to the hospital for a professional examination and treatment. The younger the age, the better the treatment outcome. It is recommended to undergo a mydriasis refraction test at the hospital, usually using chronic mydriatic drugs, as this will provide more accurate results. Different causes lead to different symptoms, so patients should seek systematic and standardized examinations at regular three-level A hospitals as soon as possible based on their own conditions for targeted treatment. In addition, patients should maintain regular lifestyles, take good care of themselves against the cold and heat, eat light and soft foods in their daily diet, ensure good ventilation, and drink plenty of hot water.