
Male, 5 years old, my child has myopia and his eyes have been very itchy and red recently, with a lot of blood vessels. After examination, it was said that the child has accommodative esotropia. What are the causes of amblyopia?


There are many different causes of amblyopia, such as strabismus, vision abnormalities, and diseases like cataracts. They obstruct the clear imaging of the retina, leading to amblyopia. It is recommended to pay attention to eye habits and maintain good eye hygiene in daily life. Different causes can lead to different symptoms, and patients should seek systematic and standardized examinations at regular three-level A hospitals as soon as possible based on their own conditions for targeted treatment. In addition, patients should maintain regular work and rest , do a good job of cold prevention and warmth preservation, eat light and soft foods in daily diet, keep the air ventilated, and drink more hot water.