
A boy, 8 years old, has myopia and recently his eyes have been very itchy, red, and there are some blood vessels. After examination, he was diagnosed with childhood esotropia. What is the difference between amblyopia and myopia?


Both amblyopia and myopia are caused by refractive errors in the eyes, but myopia is primarily due to abnormal imaging, leading to a focus that is not in the correct position, while amblyopia is usually caused by other diseases or congenital growth abnormalities, such as refractive media opacity, esotropia, etc. Therefore, the methods of correction will also differ. Different causes can lead to different symptoms, so patients need to receive systematic examinations at regular hospitals as soon as possible for targeted treatment. Additionally, patients should maintain regular lifestyles, do well in cold prevention and warmth preservation, eat a light and soft diet, and often ventilate and drink hot water.