
I’ve noticed this symptom in my baby for a while now, but the situation hasn’t improved. I’m thinking of going to the hospital for a system check. What medicine can be taken to alleviate neonatal jaundice?


Jaundice is just a clinical manifestation and can be caused by various factors, such as hemolytic disease and sepsis. Neonates with bilirubin levels below 5-7 mg/dL can exhibit visible jaundice. There are two types of jaundice: physiological and pathological. Due to the unique characteristics of bilirubin metabolism in neonates, about 50%-60% of full-term infants and 80% of preterm infants can develop physiological jaundice, which is characterized by generally good condition; it appears 2-3 days after birth in full-term infants, reaches its peak on the 4th or 5th day, fades away within 5-7 days, and lasts up to two weeks; in preterm infants, it appears 3-5 days after birth, reaches its peak on the 5th or 7th day, fades away within 7-9 days, with full-term infants’ levels below 221 umol/L and preterm infants’ levels below 257, and daily decline less than 85. Aggressive treatment and prevention of kernicterus are recommended.