
A one-year-old boy has been diagnosed with hydrocephalus after examination, and the parents are concerned about the possibility of spontaneous recovery.


For a one-year-old child, if the hydrocephalus is peripheral and the amount is not significant, as the child grows older and the brain’s blood vessels develop, there is a possibility that the hydrocephalus may regress on its own. However, if the amount of hydrocephalus is considerable, it may be necessary to consider medication to nourish brain cells, and possibly use medication to reduce intracranial pressure. It is recommended that parents closely monitor their child’s condition and receive appropriate treatment under the guidance of a professional physician. Wishing the child a swift recovery. Different causes may lead to different symptoms, and patients should seek systematic and standardized examinations at regular three-level A hospitals as soon as possible based on their own condition for symptomatic treatment. In addition, maintaining regular routines, preventing colds, eating a light diet, indoor ventilation, and drinking plenty of water are also helpful measures for the recovery of the condition.