
My baby is 7 months old and has had a cold with coughing, some fever at night, and the coughing is worse during sleep. This has been going on for nearly two weeks now. We’ve given her cold medicine, anti-inflammatory drugs, and cough syrup, but the effects are not significant. What are the early symptoms of neonatal pneumonia?


The symptoms of neonatal pneumonia are related to the cause of the disease and are generally based on respiratory symptoms. For example, there may be symptoms like coughing and high fever. In cases of aspiration pneumonia, due to airway obstruction, symptoms like choking coughs, difficulty breathing, cyanosis of the skin, and even cessation of breathing may occur. Symptoms can vary depending on the cause, and patients should seek prompt and systematic examination at a regular three-level A hospital according to their own condition for targeted treatment. Additionally, patients should maintain regular daily routines, take good care of cold prevention and warmth, consume light and soft foods in daily meals, ensure good ventilation, and drink plenty of hot water.