
Female, 7 years old, my child’s vision has slightly deteriorated recently, and they can’t see things clearly. The doctor at the hospital said it’s astigmatic amblyopia. I want to know, can amblyopia with astigmatism be treated and improved?


Generally speaking, both myopia and astigmatism require comprehensive evaluation and treatment. If the astigmatism is below 75 degrees, it may not be necessary to wear glasses; however, if it’s above 75 degrees, glasses are needed for correction, and they should be worn all day. Generally, glasses are recommended for myopia and astigmatism around the ages of 9-10. However, the specific situation needs to be determined based on your child’s eye condition. Different causes can lead to different symptoms, so patients should seek systematic and standardized examinations at regular hospitals as soon as possible for targeted treatment. In addition, patients should maintain regular lifestyles, take good care of themselves against colds and heat, eat light and soft foods in their daily diet, ensure good ventilation, and drink plenty of hot water.