
A 9-year-old girl sits very close to the TV and has difficulty seeing things from a distance. The doctor has diagnosed her with astigmatism, and the parents want to know what suitable foods she can consume.


In daily life, it’s recommended to give the child more whole grains, such as corn flour, millet, and the like. Additionally, it’s important to supplement vitamins by eating fresh fruits and vegetables, and to appropriately increase protein intake, which can promote the growth and development of the retina and optic nerve. It’s crucial to avoid high-sugar foods. Different causes lead to different symptoms, so patients should seek systematic and standardized examinations at a regular three-level A-grade hospital as soon as possible for targeted treatment. Moreover, patients should maintain regular work and rest (daily routine), take good cold prevention measures, eat light and soft foods in daily meals, ensure good ventilation, and drink plenty of hot water.