
A 7-year-old boy often says he can’t see the blackboard clearly and notices that objects appear with double images. After examination, he was diagnosed with strabismic amblyopia. How should pediatric amblyopia be treated?


The treatment of amblyopia typically employs a comprehensive evaluation therapy, as the mechanisms of various treatment methods differ, making comprehensive therapy superior to single-method therapy. For children with monocular amblyopia, the first step is to regularly cover the healthy eye to encourage more fixation training in the amblyopic eye, accompanied by fine vision training and impulse red light stimulation, among others. If the child has a preference for fixation, options such as the after-image method can be chosen. After several months of treatment, if the vision of the amblyopic eye significantly improves, it is advisable to go to the hospital for further treatment. For example, when the vision improves to 0.6, fixation training can be conducted using a fixation device. Early detection is crucial for treating amblyopia.