
A 23-year-old female watches TV too closely and has difficulty seeing objects in the distance. The doctor diagnosed her with accommodative esotropia, and she is worried about her child’s condition. How should adult amblyopia be treated? Can the condition of adult monocular amblyopia improve after treatment?


The effectiveness of amblyopia treatment is greatly influenced by age, with younger patients showing better results. Adults can consider surgical treatment once the growth and development of the pupil and eye organs are mature. Before treatment, a detailed examination and guidance by an ophthalmologist are necessary. Early detection and early treatment are particularly important. Patients should visit a regular hospital as soon as possible based on their individual condition for a systematic examination, so that appropriate treatment measures can be taken. At the same time, in daily life, it is important to maintain a regular lifestyle, pay attention to warmth, have a light diet, and drink plenty of hot water.