
A 7-year-old boy, my child says he can’t see the blackboard clearly and has double vision. After examination, it was diagnosed as strabismic amblyopia. What should I do if my child has amblyopia?


Amblyopia is a relatively common pediatric ophthalmological condition that can significantly affect vision, and if not treated promptly, severe cases may lead to blindness. There are currently two main treatment methods: conservative treatment and surgical treatment. Conservative treatment includes methods such as occlusion therapy and after-image therapy, which can greatly improve the corrected vision of the amblyopic eye. Additionally, early surgical treatment is also an effective method, suitable for surgery around the ages of 5 to 6, with good results. Different causes can lead to different symptoms, so patients should go to a regular third-tier hospital for systematic examinations as soon as possible based on their own condition to receive symptomatic treatment according to the cause. Moreover, patients should maintain regular daily routines, pay attention to cold prevention and warmth, eat light and soft foods, and frequently ventilate while drinking plenty of hot water.