
Female, 26 years old, I’ve been feeling unwell for some time now and haven’t seen a doctor or paid much attention. The situation has become severe. How should one care for asthma patients?


During an acute asthma attack, our first priority is to provide the patient with balanced nutrition, including vegetables, fruits, and milk, while also maintaining a cheerful mood. We need to comfort the patient and prevent them from feeling anxious. In routine questions, it’s best to avoid asking the patient questions like ‘Why did your asthma attack again? Are you in pain? What’s wrong with your asthma?’ Such questions should be avoided. We usually inject some positive energy into the patient, allowing them to maintain a cheerful mood and boost their confidence in fighting the disease. During the remission period, it is crucial to remind patients to take medication regularly, whether it’s traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine, and must be used according to standardized, correct, and scientific methods for treatment.