
A 5-year-old boy complains about not being able to see the blackboard clearly and mentions that the things he sees have double images. After examination, it is found that he has mild strabismus. I would like to know what exercise methods are available for correcting strabismus?


The methods for correcting strabismus depend on the type of strabismus. For example, children with exotropia (one eye turning outward) can be corrected by learning convergence (looking at near objects, like cross-eyes). In the case of esotropia (one eye turning inward), correction can be achieved by having the child look at side objects. If the training does not show significant results, surgery for correction can be considered. Since the causes of strabismus can vary, it is recommended that patients go to a regular three-level A hospital for a detailed examination to ensure that the treatment method is appropriate for the symptoms. In addition, in daily life, it is important to maintain a regular schedule, keep warm and prevent colds, eat a light diet, and drink plenty of hot water, all of which are beneficial to health.