
My son is 5 years old. Initially, he felt a sore throat when speaking, accompanied by a slight cough, and now he has a persistent high fever. What are the dietary principles for children with tonsillitis that always results in fever?


It is essential to promptly treat tonsillitis in children. Additionally, daily diet should include more vegetables and fruits. Apart from being light and non-irritating, these foods are rich in nutrients and can help resist illness. For fruits, it is recommended to choose pears, apples, etc., and for vegetables, greens, cabbage, tomatoes, and others are good choices. You can select according to your child’s preferences. It is also advisable to choose easily digestible foods such as porridge or overcooked noodles, which are suitable for consumption during the treatment period. Moreover, pay attention to drinking plenty of plain water and reducing the intake of foods like beef, mutton, dog meat, etc., which are considered to cause heat. Seafood should also be eaten sparingly or not at all. Complications of pediatric tonsillitis can be very detrimental to the child’s health, so parents must assist their children in receiving proper treatment.