
Male, 3 years old, my child has a cold with coughing and it’s been going on for several days. This morning, he coughed up green sputum, but didn’t cough in the afternoon, and had a slight cough at night. After taking traditional Chinese medicine, his symptoms have somewhat improved. I want to know what the symptoms are during the recovery period of pediatric pneumonia?


After treatment, pediatric pneumonia will gradually improve. During the recovery period, symptoms such as increased coughing, increased sputum volume, and normal body temperature are common. Pneumonia is prone to recurrence, so one should not stop using medication just because the child’s symptoms seem to be improving. Medication should only be stopped after complete recovery and after the doctor has confirmed that it is safe to do so. Do not self-medicate or stop medication arbitrarily. Symptoms vary depending on the cause, so patients should seek systematic and standardized examinations at regular three-level A hospitals as soon as possible based on their own condition for targeted treatment. In addition, patients need to maintain a regular routine, take good measures against the cold and keep warm, eat light and soft foods in daily meals, ensure good ventilation, and drink plenty of hot water.