My child is 4 years old and has been taking medication for almost half a month now. The medicine includes expectorant syrup for clearing the lungs, anti-inflammatory drugs, and cold medicine, but there is still a bit of coughing that doesn’t seem to go away. What are the symptoms of pediatric pneumonia?
In mild pediatric pneumonia, symptoms are primarily respiratory, including fever, coughing, and shortness of breath. Fixed medium to fine moist sounds can be heard in the lungs, more so in the lower parts of the back and along the spine, and they are more pronounced at the end of inhalation. In severe cases, symptoms may include second-degree neuron myocarditis and acute heart failure, with the nervous system possibly showing mild water drinking restlessness, anorexia, and brain edema leading to seizures. The digestive system may exhibit decreased appetite, nausea, and abdominal pain. It is recommended to seek early treatment if any symptoms are present.