A 4-year-old girl has been experiencing convulsions in her hands and feet, followed by shock within 5-11 minutes, without any foam coming out of her mouth. She has visited several hospitals, but the treatment has not been effective. What are the early symptoms of pediatric epilepsy?
Early Symptoms of Pediatric Epilepsy: Generalized recurrence, also known as grand mal seizures, is characterized by sudden loss of consciousness, temporary cessation of breathing, frothing at the mouth, blue face color, dilated pupils, and convulsions starting with stiffness in the limbs, fists clenching, eyes rolling upwards or to one side, followed by tonic-clonic muscle spasms in the face and limbs. Breathing is rapid and irregular, often resulting in tongue bites and incontinence of urine and feces. After recurrence for 1-5 minutes, consciousness may become unclear or there may be aversion to food, and the child may regain consciousness after several hours.