
A 3-year-old child has been taking medication for over half a month, including expectorant syrup, anti-inflammatory drugs, and cold medicine, but the cough problem has not been completely resolved. What are the symptoms of pediatric pneumonia cough?


Common symptoms of pediatric pneumonia cough include fever, refusal to eat, irritability, and difficulty breathing. In the early stages, the body temperature is usually between 38~39°C, but it may reach as high as 40°C. In addition to respiratory symptoms, the child may exhibit symptoms such as listlessness, irritability, decreased appetite, shivering, nausea, and vomiting. For infants, there may be symptoms such as refusal to eat, choking on milk, dry heaves, and difficulty breathing. Symptoms can vary depending on the cause, so it is recommended that patients seek a comprehensive examination at a regular three-level A hospital as soon as possible to ensure accurate diagnosis and treatment. In addition, in daily life, it is important to maintain regular work and rest (rest and work schedule), pay attention to warmth, eat a light diet, and drink plenty of hot water to reduce the chance of symptom occurrence.