
My child is 3 years old and has asthma every time they catch a cold, coughing and having difficulty breathing. They get tired easily and have asthma. Medication can slightly reduce the symptoms, but they are the same next time they catch a cold. What are the general symptoms of pediatric pneumonia?


The symptoms of pneumonia can vary and are different depending on the age of the child. Generally, pneumonia is characterized by coughing, with some children experiencing mild coughing but difficulty breathing, and there may be phlegm in the throat. A pulmonary diagnosis can hear rales or even wheezing sounds. Chest X-rays may show shadows. It is recommended to often pat your baby’s back. Consider using nebulizer inhalation for your baby. Symptoms can vary depending on the cause, and patients should seek rapid and systematic examinations at a regular three-level A hospital based on their own condition to receive appropriate treatment. In addition, patients should maintain regular schedules, do well in cold prevention and warmth, eat light and soft foods in daily diet, ensure good ventilation, and drink plenty of hot water.