
A 4-year-old girl has been experiencing spasms in her limbs, accompanied by shocks lasting 5-12 minutes, without any foam coming out of her mouth. She has visited several hospitals but has not seen any treatment effects. What are the dangers of having pediatric epilepsy?


Pediatric epilepsy can have harmful effects on a child’s mental and physical health. It may lead to emotional disorders, behavioral abnormalities, and learning difficulties. Additionally, pediatric epilepsy can impact a child’s intellectual development. Therefore, if a child exhibits epilepsy symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical treatment promptly. Different causes can trigger different symptoms, so patients should seek systematic and standardized examinations at regular three-level A hospitals as soon as possible to receive treatment targeted at the underlying cause. Moreover, patients should maintain regular work and rest times in their daily lives, take good cold prevention measures, consume light and soft foods, ensure good ventilation, and drink plenty of hot water.