Male, 4 years old, our child has had several seizures. During an attack, he has convulsions and froths at the mouth. Once, I was worried he might bite his tongue, and my hand was bitten through. The doctor said that frequent seizures can affect the child’s intelligence, and we are very worried. How can pediatric epilepsy be treated and health restored?
Epilepsy is a chronic condition, and the vast majority of patients can recover through long-term, appropriate, and regular treatment. Recurrent seizures can have a significant impact on the psychological health of epilepsy patients and are detrimental to their physical recovery. Therefore, it is important to remain calm, maintain an optimistic attitude, and correctly deal with the illness. Symptoms vary depending on the underlying cause, so patients should seek a systematic and standardized examination at a regular three-level A hospital as soon as possible to receive targeted treatment. In addition, patients should maintain regular routines, take good care of themselves in cold weather, eat light and soft foods in their daily diet, ensure good ventilation, and drink plenty of hot water.