
My child is three months old and always has shortness of breath when coughing during a cold, and it gets worse when tired. Medication can slightly reduce it, but it happens again the next time they get a cold. What could be the reasons for a three-month-old baby’s coughing, sneezing, and vomiting milk?


Babies have a shallow stomach that can easily trigger a cough and nausea reflex. Pay attention not to let the baby choke while vomiting milk. Coughing and vomiting milk are not major issues as long as the baby doesn’t choke. However, if coughing is severe or frequent, it’s necessary to consult a doctor again to check the severity of the illness and consider oral medication or other treatment methods. Different causes can lead to different symptoms, so patients should seek systematic examinations at a regular three-level A hospital as soon as possible for targeted treatment. Additionally, patients should maintain a regular schedule, take good care of cold prevention and warmth, eat light and soft foods, ventilate frequently, and drink plenty of hot water.