
A 13-week-old baby is experiencing symptoms such as nasal congestion, snoring at night, and mouth breathing, which are suspected to be due to nasal allergies and adenoid hypertrophy. How should appropriate treatment be carried out?


Children experiencing symptoms such as nasal congestion, snoring at night, and mouth breathing may indicate adenoid hypertrophy. Adenoid hypertrophy can hinder children’s growth and development and intelligence, and is also a common cause of recurrent colds, sinusitis, and otitis media. It is recommended to visit an otolaryngology department for a nasal endoscopy to confirm the extent of adenoid hypertrophy. If the adenoid hypertrophy exceeds two-thirds of the posterior nares and conservative treatment is ineffective, surgical treatment is recommended. In daily life, you can use physiological saline for nasal irrigation, and consider using nebulizer inhalation as an auxiliary treatment. In severe cases, surgical treatment may be a necessary option.