
A 29-year-old female patient has not seen significant improvement in her condition after taking medication and is feeling discomfort. What might be the causes of white tongue coating?


Generally, a normal tongue coating is thin and white. The condition of the tongue coating typically reflects the state of the stomach qi. If there is a thick white coating on the tongue, it may indicate excess stomach fire or deficiency of qi and blood. It is advisable for the patient to go to the hospital for a check-up so that targeted dietary adjustments can be made based on the diagnosis. Different causes may lead to different symptoms, so patients should seek systematic and standardized examinations at regular three-level A hospitals as soon as possible according to their own condition for symptomatic treatment. In addition, patients should maintain regular work and rest in their daily lives, do a good job of preventing colds and keeping warm, choose light and soft foods for their diet, and ensure good indoor ventilation and drinking plenty of warm water.