
Male, 3 years old, my child has been suffering from a cold with cough for several days. This morning, green sputum was coughed up, but there was no cough in the afternoon, only a slight cough at night. After taking traditional Chinese medicine, there was some relief. I want to know what the symptoms of pediatric pneumonia are?


Pediatric pneumonia often presents with high fever, cough, and a sawing-like sound. If possible, it is recommended to combine blood routine tests and chest X-rays. It is suggested to consult with local pediatric TCM doctors for lung clearing and asthma relief, and cooling the lungs and blood. If a large amount of yellow sputum is produced, it is recommended to use antibiotic treatment. Stay hydrated. Different causes can lead to different symptoms, so patients need to seek timely systematic and standardized examinations at regular three-level A hospitals according to their own conditions for symptomatic treatment. In addition, patients should maintain regular lifestyle, do well in preventing colds and keeping warm, eat light and soft foods in daily diet, ventilate frequently, and drink hot water often.