
Male, 8 years old, our child has had several episodes already. During an attack, he has seizures and spits foam from his mouth. Once, I was worried he might bite his tongue, and my hand was bitten through. The doctor said that frequent seizures can affect the child’s intelligence, and we are very worried. Can pediatric epilepsy be easily confused with other diseases?


Children with somnambulism can be confused with epilepsy, as they generally exhibit a drowsy state and may even have conscious actions while walking. They can also be confused with epileptic headaches, which may involve visible hallucinations and symptoms of blurred vision. There may also be instances of breath-holding or recurrence of breath-holding. Symptoms can vary depending on the underlying cause, so patients should seek systematic and standardized examinations at a regular three-level A hospital as soon as possible to receive appropriate treatment. In addition, patients should maintain regular work and rest , do a good job of cold prevention and warmth preservation, eat light and soft foods in daily diet, keep the room well-ventilated, and drink more hot water.