
A seven-year-old boy often complains about not being able to see the blackboard clearly and says he sees double vision when looking at things. After examination, it was found that he has mild strabismus. What are the methods for checking strabismus?


The examination of strabismus mainly involves two methods: ocular covering tests and strabismus angle measurements. The ocular covering test includes setting up visual targets at 5 meters and 33 centimeters for examination. The strabismus angle measurement method includes corneal reflection methods, among others. Once symptoms of strabismus are detected in a child, it is important to immediately visit a regular hospital for a detailed examination and follow the doctor’s guidance for treatment. Different causes can lead to different symptoms, so patients should, based on their own situation, quickly go to a regular top-grade hospital for systematic and standardized examinations to receive targeted treatment. In addition, patients should maintain regular lifestyles in their daily lives, pay attention to keeping warm, eat light and soft foods, and ensure good indoor ventilation and drink plenty of water.