
My child is 12 years old and has been feeling unwell recently. I just found out that they are sick. What are the treatment methods for pediatric epilepsy?


Pediatric epilepsy, also known as lamb’s epilepsy, is a common chronic neurological disease during childhood, with an incidence rate of 0.3‰ to 0.6‰. Epilepsy is caused by abnormal synchronous discharge of a group of brain cells due to various etiologies, resulting in sudden recurrent transient brain dysfunction. According to research results, the vast majority of patients can recover completely after undergoing high-frequency electroencephalogram resection surgery. The cure rate for pediatric patients and grand mal seizures is relatively high. Early regular treatment is a major factor in choosing the treatment effect. There are many treatment methods for epilepsy, but since the patient’s condition varies, the treatment methods also differ. Therefore, patients need to go to a specialized hospital for detailed examinations as soon as possible to develop targeted treatment plans.