
My 5-year-old son has recently had a cold with fever, persistent coughing, and runny nose. The condition keeps fluctuating. What should I do if my child’s fever does not subside at 39 degrees?


It is important to use antipyretic medication promptly to avoid the occurrence of febrile convulsions. If the low-grade fever persists, it is necessary to seek medical attention promptly to prevent the condition from worsening. Pay attention to timely fluid intake for the baby, keep warm, open windows for ventilation, and eat light and easily digestible foods. Different causes can lead to different symptoms, so patients need to go to a regular hospital for systematic and standardized examinations as soon as possible in order to receive appropriate treatment. In addition, patients should maintain regular work and rest , do a good job of keeping warm, eat more light and soft foods, ventilate frequently, and drink plenty of hot water.