
A 6-year-old girl has a sudden fever at night after being normal during the day. What are the treatment methods for children’s fever?


The child’s fever might be due to catching a cold. At 38 degrees, it’s not a high fever. I suggest you don’t give your child fever-reducing medicine immediately. You can use warm water to bathe your child, apply a fever-reducing patch to lower the temperature, and give your child some cold medicine to help with recovery. Encourage your child to drink plenty of warm water and consume some vitamins to boost their immunity. Different causes lead to different symptoms, so patients should seek a systematic and standardized examination at a regular three-level A hospital as soon as possible for symptomatic treatment . In addition, patients should maintain a regular lifestyle, do well in cold prevention and warmth retention, eat light and soft foods in daily meals, ventilate frequently, and drink plenty of warm water.