
Male, 28 years old, frequently experience eye pain, dryness, and itching, resembling a sensation of insects flying in. A colleague mentioned it might be optic nerve atrophy, and I am very worried. Can traditional Chinese medicine alleviate optic nerve atrophy?


Optic nerve atrophy is categorized into primary and secondary types, with treatment for the latter being more effective when targeting the underlying cause. Once the optic nerve swells, it is difficult to alleviate or recover. Currently, there is no effective treatment method in clinical practice. Generally, ensuring adequate nutrition and sufficient rest can slow down the progression of the condition. You can try traditional Chinese acupuncture, which may stimulate the optic nerve. Keep a positive mood, avoid any psychological stress, get plenty of rest, eat a light diet, and avoid greasy and spicy foods; these are beneficial for both you and your fetus.