
My daughter is a few months old, and she’s been running a fever for the past few days. It’s the kind of fever that comes back quickly after it subsides, even during dinner. She keeps crying non-stop. What should I do when a 3-month-old baby has a fever?


With the weather changing frequently, children are more susceptible to catching colds and developing fevers. As long as the baby’s body temperature does not drop below 38.5 degrees Celsius, you can give the child a warm water sponge bath or use a cooling patch to lower the temperature. If the temperature exceeds 38.5 degrees Celsius, it is necessary to administer symptomatic medication or antipyretic drugs to reduce the fever. If the antipyretic effect is not apparent, it is important to take the child to the hospital for a follow-up examination promptly. Wishing the baby a healthy recovery. In daily life, patients should balance their nutritional intake, engage in more aerobic exercises to strengthen their bodies, and maintain a cheerful mood to enhance their constitution and speed up recovery.