
A 25-year-old woman, suffering from poor complexion due to frequent (staying up late) and insufficient rest, is seeking methods to eliminate under-eye bags.


Under-eye bags are formed due to skin aging and poor blood circulation. Avoid drinking too much water before bedtime and reduce the intake of spicy and alkaline foods. Here are some suggested methods: 1. Eye Closure Exercise: Intentionally open and close your eyes up and down, doing about 100 to 150 times daily to give the eye muscles a sense of contraction and relaxation. Follow this with closing your eyes for rest and performing eye massage for better results. 2. Cold Compress with Salt Water Gauze: Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of hot water, close your eyes, and apply a salt water gauze to the under-eye bags. Repeat this process several times, and after a few months, the under-eye bags may gradually decrease or disappear.