
A 7-year-old boy, initially complaining of a sore throat, noticed that his coughing seemed more severe. Additionally, he has a low-grade fever. What should a child eat during a tonsillitis period?


If a child develops tonsillitis, the diet should first be kept light. Vegetables and fruits should be the mainstay. These foods are not irritant, are rich in nutrition, and help fight off illness. For example, pears and apples both have cooling and anti-inflammatory properties and can be consumed more. Daily meals should focus on light, easy-to-digest, and easy-to-swallow foods such as congee and noodles. Spicy and irritant foods, as well as those that may trigger allergies, are not recommended for children. Parents should help children develop good eating habits, maintain hygiene and health, and avoid picky eating and preference for certain foods.