
Initially, I didn’t pay much attention when a 7-year-old girl mentioned having trouble seeing clearly and looking at things sideways. I attributed it to excessive computer use. Can amblyopia and strabismus be cured in children?


For children with amblyopia without organic eye inflammation and whose visual acuity is below 0.8, treatment is generally possible. Therefore, it is first necessary to determine the degree of the child’s amblyopia and whether it is monocular or binocular amblyopia. Then, using monocular occlusion for eye training is currently one of the more effective methods. At the same time, it is necessary to wear glasses for correction and to consume more foods beneficial to the eyes, such as melons, fruits, and vegetables. In addition to treatment, maintaining a regular lifestyle in daily life, paying attention to warmth and cold prevention, eating light and soft food, frequently ventilating, and drinking hot water can also help prevent the occurrence of diseases.