
I am 27 years old and male. Lately, I’ve noticed that my eyelids always seem to swell. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m sick or if it’s due to lack of sleep. What could be causing the swelling under my lower eyelids?


Based on your description, the swelling under your lower eyelids may be due to edema. Here are some possible causes and treatment methods:

  1. Cold Compress to Reduce Swelling: You can use a cold compress or ice cubes to help alleviate the swelling.
  2. Eye Care: Applying various essences to the eyes and massaging the area can help lift the skin, relieve eye fatigue, and promote swelling reduction.
  3. Lifestyle Habits: It is recommended to avoid drinking water before bedtime, avoid spicy and irritant foods, maintain a regular sleep schedule, quit smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and engage in regular exercise to boost your immune system and prevent recurrence of the condition. Please note that these suggestions are for reference only. If the problem persists or worsens, please consult a doctor for professional advice.