
My son is 2 years old, and he recently has been experiencing a sore throat, hoarse voice, and fever. Could it be pediatric tonsillitis? What dietary precautions should be taken when a child has tonsillitis?


Diet is very important when a child has tonsillitis. It is recommended to consume fresh vegetables and fruits as these foods help to cool the body and detoxify, are rich in vitamins, and boost the immune system. When selecting fruits, avoid those that are too cold and opt for fruits with a neutral temperature, such as apples and kiwis. Additionally, choose easily digestible foods like cooked noodles and congee for the diet. It is advisable to avoid spicy and irritant foods as well as those that may trigger allergies. Parents should help their children develop good living habits, maintain regular routines, and engage in moderate exercise to enhance immunity and reduce the risk of illness.