
Male, 23 years old, I found that I can’t see things clearly with my eyes and have to look at them sideways, At first I didn’t pay much attention, thinking it was caused by playing computers too much. Can amblyopia be cured?


Based on your description, is the amblyopia caused by ptosis of the upper eyelid? Ptosis of the upper eyelid can cover the pupil and lead to amblyopia. To prevent amblyopia, early surgery should be done as soon as possible, as the sooner the treatment for amblyopia begins, the better. If your child is under 18 years old, they still need to be treated for amblyopia and undergo amblyopia training. Persistent amblyopia training can significantly improve vision. In addition to treatment, patients need to maintain regular daily routines, do well in cold prevention and warmth preservation, eat light and soft foods in daily diet, ventilate frequently, and drink more hot water. Good living habits also help prevent the occurrence of diseases.