
A 9-year-old boy, a child of a friend of mine, is jumping around and hitting people uncontrollably, falling to the ground. What are the symptoms of pediatric epilepsy?


One of the symptoms of pediatric epilepsy is generalized recurrence, also known as a grand mal seizure. It is characterized by sudden loss of consciousness, temporary cessation of breathing, frothing at the mouth, blue lips, and dilated pupils. The onset of the seizure is marked by rigid limbs, clenched fists, eyes rolling upwards or to one side, followed by clonic spasms in the facial and limb muscles. Breathing becomes rapid and irregular, often resulting in tongue biting. There may also be incontinence of urine and feces. These seizures last for 1-5 minutes and after the attack, patients may experience confusion or loss of appetite. They may take several hours to regain consciousness.