My baby has had a cold for nearly a month, with coughing, stuffy nose, and runny nose. The symptoms were relieved after taking medicine, but they started to recur a few days after stopping the medication. What should I do if my baby has a severe cold with a stuffy nose accompanied by nausea?
A 2-month-old baby with a cold, stuffy nose, nausea, and hiccups without fever is considered to have mild upper respiratory tract infection symptoms, commonly caused by viral infection. It is recommended to give the baby plenty of water, open the windows in the living room for ventilation to effectively reduce the concentration of viruses and bacteria, and use a warm towel to apply to the nose relieve the stuffy nose. If the symptoms do not subside and become severe, you can use symptomatic medicine syrups. During the treatment period, the patient needs to maintain a healthy diet, regular work and rest , actively participate in physical exercise, adjust mental and physical health, and keep personal hygiene to avoid bacterial invasion due to decreased resistance.